Surgery Connect

by BJC Healthcare

Health & Fitness


Supports the patients/families of St. Louis Childrens Hospital CSCC, APC & SDS

Surgery Connect supports the parents and families of children who are having an outpatient procedure performed at St. Louis Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Center - West County (CSCC-West), St. Louis Children’s Hospital Specialty Care Center - South County (CSCC-South), Ambulatory Procedure Center (APC) or Same Day Surgery (SDS). The app provides information and instruction regarding:• a description of the procedure• the sscheduled date and time of the procedure, including arrival time• important times at which the child should discontinue solid foods and clear liquids• preparation steps prior to the procedure, listed in timeframes of: the week before, night before and day of, including a What to Bring checklist• the waiting area, its amenities and wifi access• how to care for the child once back at home• symptoms of concern (after returning home) and what actions to take, should any occur• follow-up scheduling• contact information, directions and mapping for each locationThe app also supports secure messaging from the surgical team during the procedure, to give parents and /families updates during their wait.*New location added

Read trusted reviews from application customers

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Sergio Tenorio

Found this app really helpful. I liked having all the information right on my phone, from where to go, to what to bring, a description of the procedure, to instructions for the week before and day before the procedure. It would have been a lot to try to remember. It was very convenient to have all of the information in one place.

heather hall

The time of surgery should be shown.

Tina Lewis

Can't scroll down for some reason?

Rachel Cravens

Having all of the information to prepare a child for surgery is fantastic. However, many of the screens do not scroll vertically when necessary, leaving potentially critical procedure information out of the view of the user. In addition, from a security perspective, the authentication mechanisms are subject to harvesting, as different error messages are given for getting the case number or phone number incorrect

Jeremy Radford

I hate it do not use it

Jordan Strunk

Having all the info right there on you phone sure makes going through surgical care with kiddos just a bit easier.

Sparkle Williams